Washington Crossing State Park Project Ideas
For Scout Projects, volunteer groups, and anyone else seeking to make a contribution to our beautiful park. If you have any interest in undertaking one of these projects please reach out to us at info@washingtoncrossingparkassociation.com!
Repair and/or create new blue bird boxes
Number and map all of the blue bird boxes to create a yearly cleaning plan
Divide trail maps into grids, then mark the sign posts at our various trail intersections with corresponding numbers and GPS coordinates
Construct water bars and place them in select wet spots on the parks' trails
Exterior landscaping around the Johnson Ferry House focusing on the kitchen garden and including new hardscaping and rebuilding or replacing the garden boxes
Establish a second native plant/pollinator garden without a fence so that it will be visitor friendly—careful planning and the selection of deer resistant native plants will be critical
Establish a wild-flower meadow near the current Sullivan Grove or the Park Entrance
Clearing the underbrush around the Honeyman Springhouse which is located on Route 29 (below the Ferry House) along the Delaware-Raritan Canal
The clearing of invasive vines and ground plants by the Nature Center.
The construction of bog crossings over the muddy parts on our trails.
The bike trails located above the campgrounds by the Nature Center are in the need of clearing and water erosion control. The same is true for the Continental Trail from Brickyard Road to the park office. The horse trail is also in need of clearing and water erosion control.
Our History Committee is considering brief videos on the lesser-known stories of the history that took place at this site. Volunteers are needed to write copy, record video, act, and carry out audio engineering.